New LA Adds: Cherry Glazer, Winter, Waldo, and Froth

Cherry Glazerr - Haxel Princess: LA has a thriving beach and garage rock scene, with bands constantly playing their distortion heavy, punk influenced songs most notably at the Smell, a venue formed by punk rock band No Age.  There are so many of these bands that sound alike, but no one does it like Cherry Glazerr. Mainly because no one else is willing to meow for the last half of their song. And in my opinion it completes their teenage cutesy aesthetic perfectly. 


So here is their full length album Haxel Princess.  It begins with a heavy middle finger in your face with the distortion heavy, guitar driven song “White’s Not My Color This Evening”, setting the notion that they sincerely don’t give a fuck about what you think and singer Clem Creevy, a senior in high school, still radiates teenage angst.  Her writing is quite direct. She isn’t afraid to tell you “she feels like a turd” and she’ll “kick straight through your wall.”   This direct and quirky behavior continues on the track “Grilled Cheese” where she sings about her love about eating grilled cheese. But if you try to snatch her sandwich she’ll fucking fight you.  Or on Blood Bandaid, she describes a break, concluding the song with a “you didn’t like me, so fuck you fuck you fuck you” Or on Teenage Girl, where she describes the leisurely life of a suburban girl, where she smokes cigarettes and calls Rob Kardashian a tool. Overall, it’s quirky fun narrative about an angsty teenage girl living in the suburbs of LA. And damn is the music good and does it make you laugh. DYLAN 

RIYL: Best Coast, Bleached, Wavves, No Age 

Recommended Tracks: “White’s Not My Color This Evening”, “Grilled Cheese”, “Bloody Bandaid”, “Teenage Girl”, “Trick Or Treat Dancefloor” 

Winter - Day Dreaming: 

Hailing from Silverlake, Winter makes beautiful bedroom music that puts you in a blue, green kaleidoscope dream.  With guitars heavy on reverb and delay, Winter’s lead singer Samira Winter emulates singers like Nico or Victoria Legrand of Beach House.   The guitars are beautiful and ethereal and the chorus of “Nothing” sends you down a tunnel of lights and colors. DYLAN  

RIYL: Cocteau Twins, Beach House, Slowdive 

Recommended Tracks: Bedroom Philosophies, Nothing

WALDO - NSDE/OUTSIDE: As apart of LA based beat scene label Soulection, Waldo is a rapper paired with trap-beat extraordinaire Sango. Although I think Waldo himself is a very subpar rapper, the main focus of the album must be the beats.  These beats are fresh as fuck.  They have the perfect 808 sub bass lines that will make your subwoofer purr.  He uses very interesting samples with the nicest drumbeats that will make you bob your head.  Waldo is interesting, but I think he’s kinda monotone throughout the entire EP.  Although the producer Sango himself is from Vancouver, he is now based in LA to work with Soulection buddies. I would highly recommend checking out his soundcloud. DYLAN 

RIYL:  Brainfeeder rappers/beats, Beat Scene esque beats yo, I have no idea, 

Recommended Tracks: N, Out, AGO, Purple Heart, Explicit Content, Balcony 

NSDE OUTSIDE Soundcloud 


Froth - Patterns: The psychedelic pop band Froth originally started out as a joke. Some band at a house show/ BBQ dropped out last minute so Joojoo and Jeffri wrote some songs last-minute and played. Since then they’ve gotten a lot of media coverage. Hedi Slimane of Saint Laurent chose to feature one of their songs, “General Education,” in his Fall/Winter ‘14 Menswear fashion show and even featured two of the band members as models. Their sound is a dreamy mix of garage rock, shoegaze, and psych-pop. Patterns is their first album, although they recently came out with an EP called Saccharine Sunshine and are working on another EP to debut in April of this year. They’re signed with Burger and Lolipop Records. ​CHRISTINA

RIYL: Guantanamo Baywatch (playing Coachella this year!), Dead Ghosts, Mystic Braves

Recommended Tracks: “Lost My Mind”, “General Education”, “Oaxaca”, “Acid Couple Kiss”