May's Staff Member of the Month: Olivia Osborne

We saved the best for last: meet May’s ~Staff Member of the Month~ and Head of Content, Olivia Osborne! <3 Perhaps we’re a bit biased in saying that Olivia is our favorite person on Staff, but there’s no doubt that Olivia is one of the hardest working DJs in our #KXSCommunity.

As Head of Content, Olivia is responsible for managing a team of seven people and overseeing all of KXSC's original content. 🤳She also spearheads fundraiser content efforts and ensures that the KXSC brand image is #popping.

Outside of KXSC, Olivia interned for the LA Kings while simultaneously being a full-time student. 👑She even has that post-grad bag secured with her current job at Wagstaff Worldwide. 👩‍💼In her free-time, Olivia runs half marathons and mentors high school students at schools near USC (our fit philanthropic queen)!

Favorite thing about being on staff: “I ABSOLUTELY LOVE CONTENT TEAM! This year especially I have been able to work with amazing people and bond in and outside of Staff. Each meeting is so fun. We even did yoga during one meeting. I've made amazing friendships that I wouldn't have made without staff. Also everyone is really driven, passionate, and creative. Staff is a fantastic team to be a part of!” Coolest thing you’ve done on staff: “Hm. Our last fundraiser in Fall of 2019 that I was the lead on, alongside Kirby and Blake, was recognized by the University as one of the most successful student org fundraisers! We surpassed our goal and got a lot of recognition, which was awesome!” Fun Fact: ““

Unfortunately, there’s no show to plug here since Olivia is a graduating senior. :-( Thank you to Olivia for all that you’ve done for the KXSC community (especially all the dog features on our socials).

Support Staff Members like Olivia who have put so much of their time and effort into helping KXSC thrive and support college radio!: 

Fatima Khan, Staff