April's DJ of the Month: Fiona Pestana

April showers bring May flowers, but April’s ~DJ of the Month~ blooms all year round! Meet Fiona Pestana, host of “The Move” with DJ Flowery Fi. 🌷🌷


Fiona’s super involved both in and out of KXSC. She works as a PR assistant at the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology, is on USC Photography Club's E-Board, and is the Communications Lead of Spark SC! On top of all that, she also does freelance photography on the side. 👀📸👑

First song you played on your radio show: “fun. - Be Calm” Best concert you’ve been to: “Bleachers in Sacramento. My friend and I roadtripped for 6 hours—3 there and 3 back—to see the show. The crowd pushed up against the walls of the indoor-venue. Everyone knew every word to every song. We all danced, sung, and sweat together, and it was so beautiful. Plus, the band was absolutely brilliant; their sound was so full, and they used the stage in a very smart way. Also, Jack Antonoff is the love of my life.” Fun fact: “I eat sandwiches weirdly. I start with the crust, then I eat the toppings, and I finish with the bread.”

Tune into Fiona’s last show of the semester Tuesday, April 23, for some Indie bangers. You can also support amazing DJs like Fiona by donating to our Spring Fundraiser! kxsc.org/donate 💚

Fatima Khan, Staff