Album Review: Shygirl- Club Shy Room 2


Yeah, boy, I know ya gonna waste my time

I look too good and I feel too—, ah

Trust me, I'm too fuckin' fine

Rebelling against the farcical sterility of the public eye, Shygirl (Blaine Muse) proves that sex and poise aren’t opposed on Club Shy Room 2. Emerging from the London warehouse rave scene, Muse gained mainstream acclaim for last year’s Club Shy EP and as an opening act for Charli XCX and Troye Sivan’s Sweat tour.

If Club Shy was approachable: danceable, digestible, and light electro-house that indulged in the f@k€, Room 2 is invite-only. Sultrier, heavier, sexier, Shygirl consents us to her desires, and we comply. Yes, mistress.

“Je M’appelle” is the foreplay. A sparse backing track centers Shy’s voice as she builds her persona: powerful, confident, rich, but not unapproachable. “S-H-Y, come a little closer / You can hear me whisper,” Muse teases before the bassline snakes in. “Flex” entangles us in her Scene. Regal organs underlay the sultry back-and-forth between Shygirl and BAMBII. A classy and sensual affair.

Welcome back to the KXSC newsletter! We have reached the point in the semester where things feel quite busy. Too much is happening too fast. Spring break is close, but not close enough. As a result, this weeks newsletter is short. It's lovely nonetheless. We have reviews of the new Shygirl project and Paris Texas album! We also have plenty of 'New Adds' coverage from our stellar set of interns! As always, remember to be fierce. 
Very truly yours,
Andie Kirby
Director of Music Writing, KXSC 

Album Review: Shygirl- Club Shy Room 2

Yeah, boy, I know ya gonna waste my time

I look too good and I feel too—, ah

Trust me, I'm too fuckin' fine

Rebelling against the farcical sterility of the public eye, Shygirl (Blaine Muse) proves that sex and poise aren’t opposed on Club Shy Room 2. Emerging from the London warehouse rave scene, Muse gained mainstream acclaim for last year’s Club Shy EP and as an opening act for Charli XCX and Troye Sivan’s Sweat tour.

If Club Shy was approachable: danceable, digestible, and light electro-house that indulged in the f@k€, Room 2 is invite-only. Sultrier, heavier, sexier, Shygirl consents us to her desires, and we comply. Yes, mistress.

“Je M’appelle” is the foreplay. A sparse backing track centers Shy’s voice as she builds her persona: powerful, confident, rich, but not unapproachable. “S-H-Y, come a little closer / You can hear me whisper,” Muse teases before the bassline snakes in. “Flex” entangles us in her Scene. Regal organs underlay the sultry back-and-forth between Shygirl and BAMBII. A classy and sensual affair.

The final two tracks, “Wifey Riddim” and “True Religion” soften Shy’s edges. The darker, heavier sounds of the EP give way to something a little sweeter. Shygirl flirts with romance: “[y]ou know I’m wifey,”  though you may still have to hand over your credit card. PinkPantheress’s delicate vocals on True Religion add an extra 10k of ‘fun money’ to Shygirl’s balance. Whether this softer side of Shy is synthetic is unimportant; this project is both Muse’s fantasy and reality.

A la Vivienne Westwood, Shygirl doesn’t just embrace sexuality–she elevates it. Where Club Shy left us in the world of the superficial, Room 2 blends reverie and actuality. Shygirl polishes the concepts and sound present in earlier Nymph and Alias while building upon the concept of a ‘Club Shy’ in an imaginative and grounded way. I can’t wait to hear what the third room will sound like.

Fuck it, have me when you like

Recommended if you like:

Tommy Genesis, COBRAH, Brooke Candy

Recommended Tracks:

Immaculate, F*Me



-DJ matt2matt AKA Matthew Genchev