Woogie Weekend Recap: DoLab Does it Right

You’ve heard of their infamous stage at Coachella. You know of them from their sold out Lightning in a Bottle festival. And now, had you gone to Woogie Weekend, you would understand why the DoLab does what they do. They blow minds and create memorable, insane experiences on and off of the dance floor. With two newly reimagined stages, a stellar collection of house and techno’s finest, and an intimate carefree playground with slip n slides, water balloon fights, and bubbles everywhere, it was truly an adult summer camp.

Memorable acts included Blond:ish, Jon Hopkins, Tâches, Dena Amy and Sunday’s last minute surprise addition Lee Reynolds with incredible supporting activities of yoga, vendors lining the perimeter with a wide variety of healthy offerings from vegan foods to healing crystals, or just lounging in hammocks soaking up the hot summer sun that California has to offer. In such close proximity with LA, you’d think any level of disconnect from the real world would be difficult to accomplish, but Irvine, California has never felt so special.

What makes this festival so different is definitely the size. By day 3, you’re smiling and waving to complete strangers who are now more than familiar faces. The intimate nature of this festival eliminates any sense of overwhelming discomfort and allows you feel connected to the people, environment, and space around you. I encourage everyone to check out next year’s Woogie Weekend before it grows too big.